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Alien Zarab (ザラブ星人, Zarabu Seijin) is an alien that first appeared in Ultraman.

  • Subtitle: Vicious Alien (凶悪宇宙人, Kyōaku Uchūjin)



Alien Zarab I[]

Alien Zarab's race first arrived on Earth when Tokyo was plagued by a mysterious radioactive fog that was killing people. The alien claimed that he and his race act as surrogate "bigger brothers" for the human race, and to win over humanity's trust, manage to dispense of the fog with ease. Unknown to the humans though, Alien Zarab's true colors came into view when he hypnotized Ide of the Science Patrol to act as his spy. Hayata also learned that the alien had also commandeered a rocket that was sent to Saturn, hypnotizing the crew aboard the vessel to do his bidding as well (revealing that he was behind the fog that had spread in Tokyo.) Having found out about the alien's true colors, Hayata attempted to warn the Science Patrol, but was found and captured by Alien Zarab before he could.

The alien was also aware of Hayata's secret identity as Ultraman and after revealing that many other planets were destroyed by his race and himself, Alien Zarab captured Hayata and held him prisoner in a Special Constructing Tape that got tighter the more he struggled. With Hayata incapacitated and the Science Patrol being the only opposition for the alien's conquest of Earth, Alien Zarab took the form of Imitation Ultraman to attack Tokyo. Fortunately, Hayata was freed by Hoshino, and after the boy was captured by Imitation Ultraman, Hayata transformed into the real Ultraman to rescue him and face the doppelgänger. During their fight, Imitation Ultraman was struck by Ultraman's Spacium Beam, reverting him back into Alien Zarab, thus the alien attempted to keep fighting by using his screeching sounds and Energy Vulcan attacks to stop the ultra. Ultraman managed to fight through the alien's attacks though, and he fired another Spacium Beam at Alien Zarab, knocking him out of the sky and setting the alien ablaze, ending his attack on Earth. [Brother from Another Planet]

Alien Zarab II[]

Another member of Alien Zarab's race was kidnapped and held prisoner by Alien Mefilas sometime prior to the alien's arrival on Earth. Upon Mefilas's arrival, the alien used Alien Zarab II as his puppet (much like he did to Fuji, Alien Baltan III, and Kemur Man II) to demonstrate the power he was capable of inflicting onto Earth if humanity did not surrender to him. Alien Mefilas's plan was thwarted though, and the alien's ship was destroyed by both the Defense Force and the Science Patrol. What became of Alien Zarab II however was unknown, but it is most likely that he was killed by accident when Alien Mefilas's ship was destroyed. [The Forbidden Words]

Ultraman Mebius[]

Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers[]

Alien Zarab was one of the members of the "Alien Alliance." A group of aliens consisting of Alien Temperor, Alien Guts, Alien Nackle, and himself, in their efforts to revive Yapool and U-Killersaurus, whom had been sealed away in the Ocean near Kobe by the Ultra Brothers. After Alien Temperor was destroyed by Ultraman Mebius (Earth's current guardian ultra,) the next phase of the Alliance's plan went into effect after they got the information that they needed to fight Mebius. Alien Zarab was sent to attack Mebius next, and he did so by ambushing Aya, taking her hostage. Alien Zarab then took the disguise of Aya and tricked Mirai into drinking a poisoned cup of coffee, which paralyzed him. With Mirai incapacitated, Alien Zarab transformed into "Imitation Ultraman Mebius" (ニセウルトラマンメビウス, Nise Urutoraman Mebiusu) and attacked Kobe. Despite being paralyzed though, Mirai managed to stumble out of the facility and transform into Ultraman Mebius once more to battle the doppelgänger. After being forced out of his Imitation Mebius disguise, Alien Zarab and Mebius continued to battle. In the end though, despite Zarab managing to weaken Mebius with some of his additional abilities, Mebius once again won by destroying Alien Zarab with his Mebium Shoot. However, Alien Zarab's deed was done, and the next member of the Alliance immediately appeared afterwards: Alien Guts.[Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers]

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Ghost Rebirth[]

to be added

Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey[]

After Alien Zarab (whom had disguised himself as Haruna of the ZAP SPACY Crew to find and kill the Reiblood of the group,) had been exposed as an imposter to the rest of the Crew, Zarab took the form of Imitation Ultraman to fight back just as the Crew attempted to shoot him down, to which Imitation Ultraman was then confronted by Rei's Gomora.[1] Despite trying his best to fight back against the stronger monster, (and even managing to briefly fool Gomora by attempting (and failing) to perform a Spacium Beam), none of Imitation Ultraman's attacks worked on Gomora and (at times) even wound up hurting himself more so than they did to Gomora. Ultimately, the Alien Imposter was no match for Gomora's power and an equally livid Haruna for being captured by him earlier, and the Imitation returned back into Alien Zarab after a relatively short battle. Zarab then fled from the fight out of embarrassment, while vowing vengeance against the ZAP SPACY Crew.[Shoot the Infiltrator!]

Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie[]

to be added

Ultraman X[]

Alien Zarab had come to Earth to destroy it after having already destroyed several other planets along the way.[2] Alien Zarab also have a Spark Doll of Bemstar in his possession and he used the monster as his personal weapon to commit genocide. They first appeared in Area S-4, where they attacked a Pharmaceutical Factory in order to feed Bemstar. Fortunately, Xio arrived on the scene and attacked Bemstar while trying to look for Zarab. When Ultraman X appeared to battle the monster, Xio Members, Hayato and Wataru cornered the Alien Zarab, but the two wound up squabbling instead, allowing the alien to escape. Later, Alien Zarab returned at another Factory in Area S-9 to attack. This time however, Xio's members learned from their earlier blunder and they used their sparing training to overwhelm Alien Zarab in battle. However the fight became serious when Alien Zarab grew into his giant form to get rid of Xio's Members. Xio however was ready and after combining the Porthos with the Musketty, Hayato and Asuna distracted Alien Zarab while Wataru finally destroys the Alien with the Ultlaser.[All For One]

Ultraman R/B[]

Main article: Eddie[3]

Ultraman Taiga[]

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Ultraman Regulos: First Mission[]

to be added

Appearances in other media[]

Ultraman Boy[]

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Mega Monster Battle ULTRA MONSTERS[]

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Mega Monster Battle ULTRA MONSTERS NEO[]

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Ultra Zone[]

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Mega Monster Rush: Ultra Frontier[]

Main article: Alien Zarab (Ultra Frontier)

Shin Ultraman[]

to be added

Other appearances[]

Stage Shows[]

to be added


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Video Games[]


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Imitation Ultraman
  • Height: 40 m
  • Weight: 20,000 t

Imitation Ultraman Mebius
  • Height: 50 m
  • Weight: 38,000 t


  • to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


Alien Zarab[]

  • Alien Zarab is portrayed by suit actor Teruo Aragaki in the original Ultraman series.
    • It is unknown who portrays Alien Zarab "II".
  • Alien Zarab is portrayed by suit actor Rikimaru Yoshihiro in the series, Ultraman X.

Imitation Ultramen[]

  • Imitation Ultraman is portrayed by suit actor Fumio Ikeda in the original Ultraman series.


  • Alien Zarab's original costume was modified from the Ragon suit.
  • Imitation Ultraman's original costume was reused and slightly redesigned from the original Ultraman's "Water" suit.


  1. http://www.daikaijyu.com/galaxy/character/alien.html#zarab Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Alien Zarab's profile in "Ultra Galaxy NEO"
  2. http://m-78.jp/x/character/ Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Alien Zarab's profile in "Ultraman X"
  3. https://m-78.jp/rb/kaiju/ Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Alien Zarab's profile in "Ultraman R/B"

