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- "Kiete Karekareeta (キエテ・カレカレータ, Kiete Karekarēta, lit. "I'm feeling good")"
- ―Celebro's catchphrase[src]
- "Belial. Ancient Monster. Skull Monster. Kiete Karekareeta."
- ―Skull Gomora's transformation catchphrase[src]
- "Belial. Extradimensional Terrible-Being. Space Monster. Kiete Karekareeta."
- ―Thunder Killer's transformation catchphrase[src]
- "Belial. Space Robot. Space Dinosaur. Kiete Karekareeta."
- ―Pedanium Zetton's transformation catchphrase[src]
- "Ultra Ancient Monster. Ultra Ancient Dragon. Space Combat Monster. Kiete Karekareeta."
- ―Tri-King's transformation catchphrase[src]
- "Strange Creature. Space Sea Monster. Kiete Karekareeta."
- ―Five King's transformation catchphrase[src]
Celebro (セレブロ, Sereburo) is a frail yet intelligent parasitic alien life form and the main antagonist of Ultraman Z.[1] After his first host was destroyed, Celebro takes Shinya Kaburagi's body as his vessel.
- Subtitle: Parasitic Lifeform (寄生生物, Kisei Seibutsu)[2]
- "I've enjoyed many planets so far. But this moment always excites me. It's a wonderful spectacle. To see fools destroyed by a weapon of their own making, and to hear their cries of agony! I implant fear into planets with civilizations. They make weapon after weapon to defend themselves. And finally, with a weapon they created, they destroy their entire civilization. I have a name for it. The Civilization Self-Destruction Game!"
- ―Celebro, as Kuriyama, unveiling his ultimate goal to Yoko[src]
Celebro is a sadistic alien that enjoys manipulating civilizations into their own self-destruction. Viewing the "lower" lifeforms as pawns to his game, he uses them to his advantage, hiding amongst them while developing over-technology weapons that would be used to annihilate themselves.
The Absolute Conspiracy - The Appearance[]
[Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy]
Ultraman Z[]
[Chant My Name!] [The Second Robot Activation Plan] [The Man Returns!] [His Majesty's Medal] [The Mystic Power] [The Unidentified Object Convoy Order] [Four-Dimensional Capriccio] [A Warrior's Duty] [The Lion's Cry] [Beliarok]
Infiltrating GAF[]
[The Last Hero] [D4] [Individual Tomorrows] [Prelude to a Nightmare]
Civilization Self-Destruction Game[]
[The Game to Extinction][Warriors Shining Beyond]
Ultraman Trigger: Episode Z[]
- Host Possession: Celebro can possess any lifeform's body to carry out his "Civilization Self-Destruction Game" across multiple planets.
- Incredible Intelligence: Celebro shows advanced mastery in multitudes of technologies. He developed the Kaiju Medals based on Ultraman Hikari's Ultra Medals and masterminded the construction of Ultroid Zero when he infiltrated GAFJ.
- Frail Body: Celebro's species have fragile bodies and requires another lifeform's body to carry out its atrocities.

Skull Gomora
- Main article: Skull Gomora
- "Belial. Gomora. Red King. Skull Gomora."
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height:
- Weight:

Thunder Killer
- Main article: Thunder Killer
- "Belial. Eleking. Ace Killer. Thunder Killer."
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height:
- Weight:

Pedanium Zetton
- Main article: Pedanium Zetton
- "Belial. King Joe. Zetton. Pedanium Zetton."
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height:
- Weight:

- "Golza. Melba. Super C.O.V. Tri-King."
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height: 75 m
- Weight: 45,000 t
Celebro transforms into Tri-King by using the Golza, Melba, and Super C.O.V Kaiju Medals in his Ultra Z Riser.
- Components
- Head: Golza and Melba
- Torso: Golza and Super C.O.V
- Arms: Golza
- Wings: Melba
- Legs: Super C.O.V.
- Tail: Melba

Five King
- Main article: Five King
- "Gan-Q. Reicubas. Five King."
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Height: 75 m
- Weight: 55,000 t
By using the Gan-Q and Reicubas Kaiju Medals in his Ultra Z Riser, Celebro evolves Tri-King into Five King.
- Components
- Head: Golza and Melba
- Torso: Golza and Super C.O.V
- Right Arm: Reicubas
- Left Arm: Gan Q
- Wings: Melba
- Legs: Super C.O.V.
- Tail: Melba

- Main article: Destrudos
- Statistics
- Height: 80 m
- Weight: 60,000 t
- Ultra Z Riser - Transformation item
- Ultra Access Card - Main access card
- Kaiju Medals - Transformation trinkets
Behind the Scenes[]
- When Celebro possesses Shinya Kaburagi, Celebro is portrayed by Rihito Noda (野田 理人, Noda Rihito).
- Celebro is the second alien entity after Cereza who possesses innocent human.
- The Celebro prop is a repurpose of the Dethmon prop from Ultraman Tiga.