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Gudon (グドン, Gudon) is a monster that first appeared in Return of Ultraman. An ancient monster that lived in the Jurassic period. Gudon enjoys fighting and attacks using his whip-like arms and sharp fangs.[1]

  • Subtitle: Subterranean Monster (地底怪獣, Chitei Kaijū)


Return of Ultraman[]

Gudon appeared before the MAT Gyro that came to investigate tremors occurring at the No 2 quarry on the Tama River, but retreated underground after the MAT Gyro attacked. It then caused an earthquake near a farm. This revealed the egg of another ancient monster, Twin Tail. After Twin Tail hatched from the egg, Gudon emerged from underground and the two monsters fought. When Ultraman Jack arrived, Gudon attacked him too.[Two Giant Monsters attack Tokyo]

Later, Gudon appeared at Yumeno Island. It was caught in an explosion from MN bombs stashed in the MAT Arrows. The attack had no effect and Gudon went back underground. Eventually Twin Tail appeared again and Gudon followed. They caught Ultraman Jack in a joint attack, so MAT disorientated the monsters with a sleeping gas bomb. With no sense of direction Twin Tail attacked Gudon by mistake, and Gudon retaliated by biting Twin Tails neck, ending its life. In the end, Gudon is killed in an explosion from Jack’s Spacium Beam.[1][Showdown! Monsters vs MAT]

Ultraman Mebius[]

To be added[2][3][Our Wings][Horrifying Predator][The Champion of the Fierce Fight]

Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle[]

Gudon was one of the many Monsters that lived on Planet Boris.[4] During one evening, Gudon was seen engaged in battle against the Monster, Neronga. At first, it seemed that Gudon was winning as he managed to bash Neronga around with his whips. However after the monster managed to turn invisible and fool Gudon, Neronga took advantage of the distraction and killed Gudon with a few blasts from his Electric Ray.[The Transparent Monster Attacks!]

Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie[]

Gudon was one of Ultraman Belial's revived 100 Monster Army. Gudon teamed up with fellow monsters, Magular, King Silvergon, King Goldras, King Guesra, Gomess (S), Alien Baltan, Zetton, Arigera, Twin Tail, and Antlar to take on Ultraman in the Monster Graveyard. He (along with Vakishim, Alien Temperor, and Telesdon) were eventually destroyed by Ultraman Zero's Wide Zero Shot. Later, Gudon joined the rest of Ultraman Belial's Monsters in forming the Conglomerate Monster, Belyudra. Gudon is one of the monsters that makes up the left horn.[Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie]

Ultra Zero Fight[]

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Ultraman Ginga S[]

Gudon was one of the many spark dolls that was in the possession of Exceller and his followers.[5] Android One Zero MonsLived into the monster in order to retrieve Victorium, intent on fixing her previous incidents that have been caused by the ultras' interference. The monster was immediately confronted by Ultraman Victory, but like with the ultra's battle with Sadolar, the ultra's inner conflict hindered Victory's ability to fight, and without the help of his Ultlances, he was put at the mercy of Gudon's whips, which the monster struck him with repeatedly. Knowing that his friend was struggling, Shepardon came to the surface to fight Gudon as well. However, Shepardon wasn't as strong as Victory was, and the beast was soon at the mercy of Gudon's whips as well. Finally after Repi arrived on the scene and hurled the King Joe Custom at Victory, Sho overcame him conflict (realizing that his true strength came from protecting his friends) and Victory successfully summoned his King Joe Launcher to fight with. Gudon was then immediately destroyed by one blast of the Launcher, and his spark doll was presented to Sho, who would later use its power to create one of the ultra's many Ultlances, with the spark doll taking the form of the monster's whip, known as the "Gudon Whip".[The Meaning of Strength]

Ultra Fight Orb[]

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Ultraman Decker[]

To be added[6][Subterranean Monster Appears! And Appears!]

Other Media[]


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Mega Monster Battle ULTRA MONSTERS[]

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Ultra Zone[]

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Other Appearances[]

Stage Shows[]

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Video Games[]

  • Gudon is a playable character in the video game: Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3.
  • Gudon is a playable character in the Ultraman video game adaptation for the PlayStation 2 in Return of Ultraman mode.


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Gudon was portrayed by suit actor, Takanobu Toya in the series, Return of Ultraman.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 https://tsuburaya-prod.com/encyclopedia/gudon Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Gudon in "Return of Ultraman"
  2. https://hicbc.com/tv/mebius/monster/rival/002.htm Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Gudon in "Ultraman Mebius"
  3. https://hicbc.com/tv/mebius/monster/maquette/004.htm Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Maquette Gudon in "Ultraman Mebius"
  4. http://www.daikaijyu.com/galaxy1/monster/mons_gudon.html Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Gudon in "Ultra Galaxy"
  5. http://m-78.jp/ginga/2014/character/#content14 Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Gudon in "Ultraman Ginga S"
  6. https://m-78.jp/character/decker_gudon/ Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Gudon's profile in "Ultraman Decker"

