Rution (ルティオン ) is a being of light hailing from a faraway galaxy who united with Yuma Hize. Together they form the gigantic hero Ultraman Arc (ウルトラマンアーク, Urutoraman Āku).[1][2]
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- Statistics
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
Rution's true form before he united with Yuma Hize.[3]
- Abilities
- Rution Finish (ルティオンフィニッシュ, Rution Finisshu):

Ultraman Arc
- Statistics
- Height: 48 m
- Weight: 32,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jump Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
- Body Features
- Arc Stone (アークストーン, Āku Sutōn): The gemstone on Ultraman Arc's forehead where Arc Cubes are released.
- Abilities
- Arc Finalize (アークファイナライズ, Āku Fainaraizu): A finishing beam shot by crossing his hands.
- Arc Mega Punch (アークメガパンチ, Āku Mega Panchi): It is a highly destructive, powerful punch. It strikes quickly and hurts the Kaiju.
- Arc Mega Chop (アークメガチョップ, Āku Mega Choppu): With precise hand strikes, the enemy's skin is sliced apart in succession.
- Arc Mega Kick (アークメガキック, Āku Mega Kikku): Arc uses various kicking techniques to make the monster stumble.
- Arc Giga Barrier (アークギガバリヤー, Āku Giga Bariyā): A strong shield of light that blocks enemy attacks.
- Arc Tera Shot (アークテラショット, Āku Tera Shotto): Powerful light bullets that launch quickly and are shot out continuously.
- Arc Exa Slash (アークエクサスラッシュ, Āku Ekusa Surasshu): A light beam is converted into a round cutter, which is then thrown at vicious monsters to cut them down.
- Arc Tricky Technique (アークトリッキーテクニック, Āku Torikkī Tekunikku): When Yuma as Arc tries to overcome a crisis , his head tilts to the right, and when he comes up with a life-saving idea that is appropriate to the enemy's habits and the situation on the ground, the tilt returns to normal and the Arc Stone on his forehead glows. Based on the idea, the Arc Finalize and Arc Exa Slash are used in unusual combinations to create an attack that takes the enemy by surprise. There are many variations in the application of techniques.
- Arc Eye Sword abilities
- Arc Sword Beam (アークソードビーム, Āku Sōdo Bīmu): A lethal light beam fired by setting the Arc Cube into the Arc Eye Sword.
- Arc Sword Beam (アークソードフィニッシュ, Āku Sōdo Finisshu)

Ultraman Arc Solis Armor
- Statistics
- Height: 48 m
- Weight: 36,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jump Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Solis Armor (ソリスアーマー, Sorisu Āmā), the Armor of the Sun, is Ultraman Arc's armor that gives him power and defensive ability beyond normal, making him excel at close-ranged combats. The Solis Object (ソリスオブジェクト, Sorisu Obujekuto) separates into pieces of armor, which then attach to Arc's chest, shoulders, arms, and fists. However, the armor restricts the ability to fly or use Arc's regular beams, as well as a significant decrease in speed. The armor is exactly like Yuma's childhood drawing of "Power of the Sun."[4]
- Body Features
- Solis Core (ソリスコア, Sorisu Koa): The Solis Core on the chest shines brightly and gives Arc higher strength and defensive ability.
- Abilities
- Solis Knuckle Impact (ソリスナックルインパクト, Sorisu Nakkuru Inpakuto):

Ultraman Arc Luna Armor
- Statistics
- Height: 48 m
- Weight: 33,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jump Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Luna Armor (ルーナアーマー, Rūna Āmā), the Armor of the Moon, is Ultraman Arc's armor that increases his speed, giving him an advantage especially in aerial battles.
- Body Features
- Luna Saucer (ルーナソーサー, Rūna Sōsā): A round weapon on his left arm that shoots long-range attacks like a frisbee.
- Luna Wing (ルーナウィング, Rūna Wingu): The wings on the Luna Armor are used to fly around and attacks monsters from the sky.
- Abilities
- Luna Tornado Saucer (ルーナトルネードソーサー, Rūna Torunēdo Sōsā):
- Arc Ariser (アークアライザー, Āku Araizā): Transformation item.
- Arc Cube (アークキューブ, Āku Kyūbu): Transformation cube.
- Arc Eye Sword (アークアイソード, Āku Ai Sōdo): Main weapon.
- Arc Galaxer (アークギャラクサー, Āku Gyarakusā): Galaxy Armor's Main weapon.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Rution is voiced by Masato Hagiwara (萩原 聖人, Hagiwara Masato). Rution is voiced by Christopher Wehkamp in the English Dub version.
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