- "You're twenty thousand years early! (二万年早いぜ!, Ni man-nen hayai ze!)"
- ―Zero's signature catchphrase[src]
Ultraman Zero (ウルトラマンゼロ, Urutoraman Zero) is the son of Ultraseven. After his banishment from the Land of Light and disciplinary training under Ultraman Leo, he was released by Ultraman King to aid the Ultra Warriors in battle against Ultraman Belial, with whom he would battle again on multiple occasions for years to come.
Ever since then, he has become one of the strongest and most popular Ultra Warriors amongst the Land of Light, forming the Ultimate Force Zero with heroes from other worlds and even allying himself with Ultras from other dimensions. In a twist of fate, he would eventually encounter and befriend Ultraman Geed, Belial's clone, and later even took in a disciple under his tutelage in Ultraman Z, albeit reluctantly.
Zero is heroic and fearless, but often hot-headed and cocky. He once attempted to steal the Plasma Spark, which lead to his banishment from the Land of Light. In stark contrast to Belial, Zero managed to see his errors and became humbled through discovering his true heritage and the reason for his exile. While maturing as time goes by, Zero never loses his cocky and hot-headed attitude, but can be serious when the situation calls for it.
The now experienced Zero takes up a senior role for his junior Riku Asakura/Ultraman Geed, a role he shared with his host and partner Leito. While initially shocked by Geed's resemblance to his nemesis Belial as much as everyone else, Zero showed no disdain towards his protégé, relating that they have weird parents and reminded him that only he can control his own fate as long as he has friends to rely on. He also grew to value Leito's family as if they are his own and more than willing to risk his life to protect them from harm.
Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie[]
- "Ultraman Zero! Son of Seven! (ウルトラマンゼロ!セブンの息子だ!, Urutoraman Zero! Sebun no musuko da!)"
- ―Zero's introduction to Ultraman Belial[src]
Ultra Galaxy Legend Side Story: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero[]
Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Deciding Fight! The Belial Galactic Empire[]
Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar[]
- "The black hole rages! (ブラックホールが吹き荒れるぜ!, Burakkuhōru ga fukiareru ze!)"
- ―Zero's catchphrase[src]
Ultraman Saga[]
Ultra Zero Fight[]
Ultraman Ginga S The Movie: 10 Ultra Heroes[]
Ultraman X[]
Ultraman X The Movie: Here He Comes! Our Ultraman[]
Ultraman Orb the Movie: Let Me Borrow the Power of Bonds![]
Ultra Fight Orb[]
Ultraman Geed[]
- "I have no limits! (俺に限界はねぇ!, Ore ni genkai wa nē!)"
- ―Zero Beyond's signature catchphrase[src]
Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect the Wishes![]
Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes[]
After Ultra Dark-Killer was suddenly revived, He began to target Ultrawoman Grigio/Asahi Minato along with the other New Generation Heroes. Zero is tasked by the Inter Galactic Defense Force to protect Grigio. Ultra Dark-Killer traps the two in the Dark-Killer Zone where they would slowly be drained of their light energy. [Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes]
Ultraman Taiga[]
Zero appears briefly to aid his second-cousin Ultraman Taiga during his fight against Imit-Ultraman Belial and Ultraman Tregear. He entrusts Taiga with the Plasma Zero-let in order to finish the battle. Zero leaves to search for others who are also using Belial's genes for evil. [Clash! Ultra Big Match!]
Absolute Conspiracy - The Divergence[]
[Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy]
Ultraman Z[]
Zero and Z are seen in outer space chasing after Genegarg who had attacked the Land of Light and stolen the Ultra Medals and an Ultra Z Riser. While they were fighting Genegarg, Zero is sucked into Bullton's a wormhole. He gives Z an Ultra Z Riser and a set of Ultra Medals to chase after Genegarg.[Chant My Name!]
Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad[]
[Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad]
Other appearances[]
Ultraman New Generation Stars[]
- Assimilation: Like all Ultras, Zero is able to merge with other lifeforms to heal them. In doing so, he is also able to stay in environments that do not provide him with enough energy for longer duration.
- Size Change: Zero is able to shrink down to human size and grow back to his original size.
- Space Martial Arts (宇宙拳法, Uchū Kenpō): During his exile from the Land of Light, Zero was trained in this fighting style by Ultraman Leo, thus making Zero a fierce and powerful physical fighter.
- Time Limit: Like with most Ultras, Zero has a time limit of 3 minutes on Earth. If a universe's solar energy is incompatible with Zero, he will start to run out of energy.
- Statistics[1]
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed: Mach 7
- Running Speed: Mach 2.7
- Jumping Height: 880 m
- Underwater Speed: Mach 3.5
- Underground Speed: Mach 2.5
- Forearm Strength: 130,000 t
- Grip Strength: 74,000 t
Zero's natural appearance. A red and blue Ultraman from the Land of Light. He is well-versed in combat and specializes in intense fighting techniques.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā): An organ that signals the remaining amount of activity energy. The limit changes from blue to red and flashes.
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head similar to Ultraseven's Eye Slugger. The Zero Sluggers can be fused into the Zero Twin Sword after the Plasma Spark granted him power.
- Zero has the following abilities
- Emerium Slash (エメリウムスラッシュ, Emeriumu Surasshu): A green light beam fired from his beam lamp similar to Ultraseven's Emerium Ray.
- Wide Zero Shot (ワイドゼロショット, Waido Zero Shotto): A hand beam similar to Ultraseven's Wide Shot.
- Zero Twin Shoot (ゼロツインシュート, Zero Tsuin Shūto): A powerful light beam fired from his Color Timer with the Zero Sluggers attached.

Tector Gear Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 45,000 t

Ultimate Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 55,000 t
- Flying Speed: Mach 35
- Running Speed: Mach 10
- Jumping Height: 4,200 m
- Underwater Speed: Mach 8
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength: 220,000 t
- Grip Strength: 230,000 t
Ultimate Zero (ウルティメイトゼロ, Urutimeito Zero) is Zero's form when he is given the Ultimate Aegis by Ultraman Noa. With the Ultimate Aegis, Zero gains the ability to traverse the multiverse.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā): An organ that signals the remaining amount of activity energy. The limit changes from blue to red and flashes.
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head.
- Ultimate Aegis (ウルティメイトイージス, Urutimeito Ījisu)
- Ultimate Zero has the following abilities
- Ultimate Zero Sword (ウルティメイトゼロソード, Urutimeito Zero Sōdo)
- Sword Ray Ultimate Zero (ソードレイ・ウルティメイトゼロ, Sōdo Rei Urutimeito Zero)
- Final Ultimate Zero (ファイナルウルティメイトゼロ, Fainaru Urutimeito Zero)
- Final Ultimate Zero Trinity (ファイナルウルティメイトゼロ・トリニティ, Fainaru Urutimeito Zero Toriniti)
- Dimensional Travel
After fusing with Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Cosmos to become Ultraman Saga, Zero gained the ability to change forms.

Strong-Corona Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Strong-Corona Zero (ストロングコロナゼロ, Sutorongu Korona Zero) is Zero's strength and fire-based form based on Ultraman Dyna's Strong Type and Ultraman Cosmos's Corona Mode.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā): An organ that signals the remaining amount of activity energy. The limit changes from blue to red and flashes.
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head.
- Strong-Corona Zero has the following abilities
- Garnate Buster (ガルネイトバスター, Garuneito Basutā)
- 'Strong-Corona Attack (ストロングコロナアタック, Sutorongu Korona Atakku)
- Ultra Hurricane (ウルトラハリケーン, Urutora Harikēn)

Luna-Miracle Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Luna-Miracle Zero (ルナミラクルゼロ, Runa Mirakuru Zero) is Zero's speed and psychic form based on Ultraman Cosmos's Luna Mode and Ultraman Dyna's Miracle Type.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā): An organ that signals the remaining amount of activity energy. The limit changes from blue to red and flashes.
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head.
- Luna-Miracle Zero has the following abilities
- Revolium Smash (レボリウムスマッシュ, Reboriumu Sumasshu)
- Full Moon Wave (フルムーンウェーブ, Furu Mūn Uēbu)
- 'Miracle Zero Slugger (ミラクルゼロスラッガー, Mirakuru Zero Suraggā)

Zero Darkness
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
Zero Darkness (ゼロダークネス, Zero Dākunesu) is the result of Belial possessing Zero and taking over his body.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā)
- Dark Zero Sluggers (ダークゼロスラッガー, Dāku Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero Darkness's head.
- Zero Darkness has the following abilities
- Dark Zero Twin Shoot (ダークゼロツインシュート, Dāku Zero Tsuin Shūto)
- Deathcium Shot (デスシウムショット, Desushiumu Shotto)
- Dark Zero Flash (ダークゼロフラッシュ, Dāku Zero Furasshu)

Shining Ultraman Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Shining Ultraman Zero (シャイニングウルトラマンゼロ, Shainingu Urutoraman Zero) is the ultimate form of Ultraman Zero, in which Zero's firm feelings as Ultraman in his consciousness have been activated. The Ultimate Bracelet is integrated into the entire body, and the Shining Energy Core shines on his chest.[2]
- Body Features
- Shining Energy Core (シャイニングエナジーコア, Shainingu Enajī Koa)
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head.
- Shining Ultraman Zero has the following abilities
- Shining Emerium Slash (シャイニングエメリウムスラッシュ, Shainingu Emeriumu Surasshu)
- Shining Wide Zero Shot (シャイニングワイドゼロショット, Shainingu Waido Zero Shotto)
- Shining Star Drive (シャイニングスタードライヴ, Shainingu Sutā Doraivu)
- Shining Field (シャイニングフィールド, Shainingu Fīrudo)

Ultimate Shining Ultraman Zero
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 55,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Ultimate Shining Ultraman Zero (ウルティメイトシャイニングウルトラマンゼロ, Urutimeito Shainingu Urutoraman Zero), or simply Ultimate Shining Zero, is the combination of using the Ultimate Aegis along with Shining Ultraman Zero.
- Body Features
- Shining Energy Core (シャイニングエナジーコア, Shainingu Enajī Koa)
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head.
- Ultimate Aegis (ウルティメイトイージス, Urutimeito Ījisu)
- Ultimate Shining has the following abilities
- US Wide Zero Shot (USワイドゼロショット, Yū Esu Waido Zero Shotto)
- Ultimate Zero Sword (ウルティメイトゼロソード, Urutimeito Zero Sōdo)
- Dimensional Travel

Zero Beyond
- "Neo Fusion Rise! New Generation Capsule Alpha, Beta! Ultraman Zero Beyond!"
- ―Transformation announcement
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed: Mach 13
- Running Speed: Mach 8.8
- Jumping Height: 1,750 m
- Underwater Speed: Mach 6.5
- Underground Speed: Mach 6.2
- Forearm Strength: 180,000 t
- Grip Strength: 100,000 t
Ultraman Zero Beyond (ウルトラマンゼロ ビヨンド, Urutoraman Zero Biyondo) is Zero's fusion form which is accessible with the use of the Riser in conjunction with the Ultra Capsules of Ultraman Ginga, Ultraman Victory, Ultraman X, and Ultraman Orb.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā)
- Ultraman Zero Beyond has the following abilities
- Balkey Chorus (バルキーコーラス, Barukī Kōrasu)
- Slugging Chorus (スラッギングコーラス, Suraggingu Kōrasu)
- Wide Beyond Shot (ワイドビヨンドショット, Waido Biyondo Shotto)
- Emerium Slash (エメリウムスラッシュ, Emeriumu Surasshu)
- Beyond Defensor (ビヨンドディフェンサー, Biyondo Difensā)
- Beyond Kick (ビヨンドキック, Biyondo Kikku)
- Zero Hundred-Fierce Kicks (ゼロ百烈キック, Zero Hyaku-retsu Kikku)
- Beyond Punch (ビヨンドパンチ Biyondo Panchi )
- Zero Hundred-Fierce Punches (ゼロ百烈パンチ, Zero Hyaku-retsu Panchi)
- Beyond Chop (ビヨソドチョップ, Biyondo Choppu)

Gransaberd Zero
- "Ultraman. Seven. Ace. Gransaberd Zero."
- ―Transformation announcement
- Height: 54 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Gransaberd Zero (グランセイバードゼロ, Guranseibādo Zero)[3] is Zero's Ultra Fusion form which is accessible via use of the Ultra Z Riser in conjunction with the Ultra Medals of Ultraman, Ultraseven & Ultraman Ace.
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā)
- Ultraman Zero Beyond has the following abilities
- Differation Cutter (ディファレーションカッター, Difarēshon Kattā)
Ultraman Zero (Wild Burst)
- Statistics
- Height: 49 m
- Weight: 35,000 t
- Flying Speed:
- Running Speed:
- Jumping Height:
- Underwater Speed:
- Underground Speed:
- Forearm Strength:
- Grip Strength:
Wild Burst (ワイルドバースト, Wairudo Bāsuto) is Zero's all red awakened state.[5]
- Body Features
- Color Timer (カラータイマー, Karā Taimā): An organ that signals the remaining amount of activity energy. The limit changes from blue to red and flashes.
- Zero Sluggers (ゼロスラッガー, Zero Suraggā): A pair of blades mounted on Zero's head similar to Ultraseven's Eye Slugger. The Zero Sluggers can be fused into the Zero Twin Sword after the Plasma Spark granted him power.
- Wild Burst has the following abilities
- Ultra Zero Eye/Ultra Zero Eye NEO - Main transformation device.
- Ultra Zero Bracelet - Multi-purpose energy storage device. Later evolved into the Ultimate Bracelet.
- Ultimate Bracelet - Storage and transformation device used to change forms and perform finishers.
- Ultra Capsules - Transformation trinkets to transform into Ultraman Zero Beyond.
- Riser Zero Mode - Zero Beyond's transformation device.
- Ultra Access Card - Leito's main access card with Ultra Z Riser to transform into Ultraman Zero Gransaberd Zero. Only appears in Ultraman Fusion Fight!.
- Ultra Z Riser - Third transformation device. Only appears in Ultraman Fusion Fight!.
- Ultra Medals - Secondary transformation trinkets. Only appears in Ultraman Fusion Fight!.
- Zero Slugger - Head-mounted sidearms.
- Zero Twin Sword - Crescent blade weapon formed from the Zero Sluggers.
- Ultimate Aegis - Armor and crossbow weapon accessed as Ultimate Zero.
- Ultra Zero Spark - Tomahawk-like throwing weapon from the Ultra Zero Bracelet/Ultimate Bracelet.
- Ultra Zero Lance - Lance mode of the Ultra Zero Spark.
- Ultra Zero Defender - Shield mode of the Ultra Zero Spark.
Enemies[] |
Ultraman Items[]
- Ultraman Zero: The Ultra Fusion Card of Ultraman Zero is used with Ultraman Jack in the Orb Ring to access Ultraman Orb Hurricane Slash. It also can be used with Ultraseven to access Ultraman Orb Emerium Slugger.
- Ultimate Zero: The Ultra Fusion Card of Ultimate Zero.
- Ultimate Shining Ultraman Zero: The Ultra Fusion Card of Ultimate Shining Ultraman Zero.
- Ultraman Zero Beyond: The Ultra Fusion Card of Ultraman Zero Beyond.
- Zero Capsule (ゼロカプセル, Zero Kapuseru)
- Ultimate Zero Capsule (ウルティメイトゼロカプセル, Urutimeito Zero Kapuseru)
- Strong-Corona Zero Capsule (ストロングコロナゼロカプセル, Sutorongu Korona Zero Kapuseru)
- Luna-Miracle Zero Capsule (ルナミラクルゼロカプセル, Runa Mirakuru Zero Kapuseru)
- Shining Ultraman Zero Capsule (シャイニングウルトラマンゼロカプセル, Shainingu Urutoraman Zero Kapuseru)
- Zero Crystal (ゼロクリスタル, Zero Kurisutaru)
- Ultimate Zero Crystal (ウルティメイトゼロクリスタル, Urutimeito Zero Kurisutaru)
- Shining Ultraman Zero Crystal (シャイニングウルトラマンゼロクリスタル, Shainingu Urutoraman Zero Kurisutaru)
- Zero Beyond Crystal (ゼロ ビヨンドクリスタル, Zero Biyondo Kurisutaru)
- Ultraman Zero-let (ウルトラマンゼロレット, Urutoraman Zero-retto)
- Ultraman Zero Beyond-let (ウルトラマンゼロ ビヨンドレット, Urutoraman Zero Biyondo-retto)
- Ultraman Zero Medal (ウルトラマンゼロメダル, Urutoraman Zero Medaru): An Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero. Can be used with both Ultraseven and Ultraman Leo in Ultra Z Riser to access Ultraman Z Alpha Edge.
- Ultimate Zero Medal (ウルティメイトゼロメダル, Urutimeito Zero Medaru): An Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero's Ultimate Zero.
- Strong-Corona Zero Medal (ストロングコロナゼロメダル, Sutorongu Korona Zero Medaru): An Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero's Strong-Corona Zero.
- Luna-Miracle Zero Medal (ルナミラクルゼロメダル, Runa Mirakuru Zero Medaru): An Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero's Luna-Miracle Zero.
- Shining Ultraman Zero Medal (シャイニングウルトラマンゼロメダル, Shainingu Urutoraman Zero Medaru): An Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero's Shining Ultraman Zero
- Ultraman Zero (Ultra Zero Mantle ver.) (ウルトラマンゼロメダル(ウルトラゼロマントver.), Urutoraman Zero Medaru Urutora Zero Manto ver.)
- Ultraman Zero Beyond Rise Medal (ウルトラマンゼロビヨンドライズメダル, Urutoraman Zero Biyondo Raizu Medaru): A special Ultra Medal that embodies the power of Ultraman Zero's Zero Beyond. Can be used with Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Belial Atrocious in Ultra Z Riser to access Ultraman Z Delta Rise Claw.
- Ultraman Zero Key (ウルトラマンゼロキー, Urutoraman Zero Kī): A GUTS Hyper Key based on Ultraman Zero. Its code is U-15 and attribute is "Emerium".
Behind the Scenes[]
- Ultraman Zero is voiced by Mamoru Miyano (宮野 真守, Mamoru Miyano). His first suit actor was Hideyoshi Iwata (岩田 栄慶, Iwata Hideyoshi).
- Like with Ultraman Tiga, Zero gained the ability to change forms using the power of other Ultras.
- ↑ https://twitter.com/TsuburayaGlobal/status/1337562815956021248
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160424222914/http://blog.m-78.jp/zerofight/characters
- ↑ https://twitter.com/TsuburayaGlobal/status/1289376552593920000
- ↑ https://thewonder.it/ultraman/ultraman_news/5542/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/m78_imagination/status/1532649557862981632
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