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Zetton (ゼットン, Zetton), alternatively known as "Z-Ton", is a monster that first appeared in Ultraman. The creation of the Alien Zettons, Zetton is the ultimate anti-Ultraman weapon. Able to shrug off all of Ultraman's abilities, Zetton has gained a reputation as the strongest of all of the monsters the Ultra Heroes have fought and continues to strike fear in the hearts of those who meet it in battle.[1]

  • Zetton Subtitle: Space Dinosaur (宇宙恐竜, Uchū Kyōryū)
  • Maga-Zetton Subtitle: Lord Monster of Light (光ノ魔王獣, Hikari no Maō-jū)
  • Shin Subtitle: Ultimate Weapon for Celestial Suppression (天体制圧用最終兵器, Tentai Seiatsu-yō Saishū Heiki)



In his original debut, Zetton was a weapon of last resort who had belonged to the Alien Zetton in their planned invasion of Earth.[2]Stashed away in the fleet's mothership until the time was right, after the Alien Zettons' invasion was thwarted by the Science Patrol, the mothership emerged from underground (after having already fled from the Patrol in an earlier assault) and its interior opened up to reveal a giant blue orb emerging from it. The orb exploded and Zetton revealed itself to attack the Science Patrol's HQ, shrugging off the Team's assaults without any effect. When he was sent off to go find Dr. Iwamoto, Hayata instead transformed into Ultraman to confront Zetton on his own. Unlike any of the other monsters he has faced before, Zetton proved to be the most powerful monster Ultraman had ever fought, being able to not only break through the ultra's Catch Rings and shatter his Ultra Slashes, but also allow his own physical strength to overpower Ultraman until he was weakened with little effort.

Desperately, Ultraman fired the Spacium Beam at Zetton, but in a shocking twist, Zetton managed to not only absorb the ultra's ray, but redirect it back at Ultraman, striking him in his Color Timer. Mortally wounded and near death, Ultraman collapsed and slipped into unconsciousness, with his life hanging from a thread. With Ultraman down, Zetton once again turned its attention back to the Science Patrol's HQ and sets it ablaze with its fireballs. At that moment though, Dr. Iwamoto was rescued and he presented the team with a weapon he had wanted to give them earlier: The Anti-Gravity Bullet. Striking the monster in the chest, Zetton was suddenly flung into the air by the weapon and it exploded, raining chunks of his flesh all over the HQ and ending the Alien Zettons' plan for good. The Earth had been saved, but only at the greatest of costs...[3][Farewell, Ultraman]

Return of Ultraman[]

A different Space Dinosaur to the one that defeated Ultraman. This Zetton was modified by the Antenna Alien, Alien Bat, who plotted to eliminate the Ultra Brothers. Zetton II launches fireballs from his mouth and launches “Zetton Napalm” explosives from its hand to fight.

Zetton II faced Hideki Go when he came to save Jiro Sakata and Rumiko Haruno who were kidnapped by Alien Bat. However, after Ultraman used his telepathy to warn Hideki not to fight, it disappeared. Zetton II reappeared in Tokyo and destroyed part of the city. It then shot down a MAT Gyro using the Zetton Napalm explosives.

Zetton II appeared for a third time after Alien Bat announced he would return at 5pm. MAT fought back against it while Hideki tackled him with a MAT Arrow 1. Hideki then transformed into Ultraman Jack to fight. Zetton II teamed up with a giant Alien Bat against Jack to overpower him. In the end, Zetton II was broken into pieces after Jack launched it into the air using his Ultra Hurricane and then hit Zetton II with a Spacium Beam.[4][The Five Oaths of Ultra]

Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero[]

A monster developed by Alien Baltan based on Ultraman Powered’s combat data from his fight against the Comet Monster Dorako. Zetton attacks with heat rays fired from his hands and mouth, and the Absorption Plate in his chest absorbs enemies’ beam attacks and fires the energy back twofold.[Falling Stars Spell Trouble]

Zetton flew to Earth in a hibernation capsule which crashed into the WINR American branch, destroying it. Zetton emerged from the capsule but then remained still, waiting for Powered to arrive. The next morning, the Terrestrial Defence Force’s tanks attacked Zetton, but the Space Dragon defeated them with heat rays. Finally, Powered arrived and Zetton attacked.

Zetton reflected all of Powered’s attacks, even absorbing his Powered Slash and firing it back at the Ultra. However, in the end Powered fired a Mega Spacium Beam at Zetton’s back, destroying him in an explosion.[5][The Final Showdown?]

Ultraman Max[]

To be added[6][Zetton's Daughter]

Ultraman Mebius[]

Zetton reappeared in the series, Ultraman Mebius.[7]

Zetton does not appear physically as himself. Instead, he is one of the many "Maquette Monsters" created as test subjects by METEOR for GUYS to test out in the hopes for them to choose a monster to aid them in future battles. During a scuffle between the members of GUYS over who would get to choose who their next Maquette Monster would be, Aide Toriyama accidentally drops Zetton's capsule, obliviously damaging it. After taking out a Maquette Gudon, the damage to Zetton's capsule goes into effect as the monster goes on a rampage, attempting to destroy the simulator it was placed it. causing GUYS's whole computer system to start malfunctioning. Even after having his capsule removed from the computer, Zetton continued to attack the facility, thus the HQ goes on lockdown to try and immobilize the monster. GUYS tried to fight Zetton with the only Maquette Monster capable of stopping it: a Maquette Ultraman Mebius. However, the team's panicked squabbling for control confused the poor maquette ultra into attacking Zetton with its Mebium Shoot, only for Zetton to absorb and redirect the beam back at the Maquette Mebius, defeating it easily.

While everyone was arguing though, Mirai quietly left to take care of the situation himself, and after finding a solitary computer, Mirai transformed into Ultraman Mebius, digitizing himself into GUYS's computer to face Zetton. Confronting the berserk maquette monster, Mebius had a difficult time in fighting Zetton at first, but after hearing the members of GUYS motivating him to keep fighting, Mebius managed to continue fighting off the Zetton. To assist him, GUYS also added Miclas and Windom into the system, and with the combined strength of both monsters and Ultra, the Zetton was destroyed and the network is repaired.[The Champion of the Fierce Fight]

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Ghost Rebirth[]

EX Zetton (EXゼットン, EX Zetton) is a powered up variation of the original Zetton. He first appeared in the video game, "Mega Monster Battle ULTRA MONSTERS NEO." and the 2-part Ultraman Mebius Side Story known as "Ghost Rebirth" (which also served as the prequel to Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie.)

Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle[]

Zetton was the fourth, final, and strongest monster that belonged to Kate, who was still intent on using Zetton against Rei to bring out his Reiblood heritage. Zetton was first used to attack Vincent Island (where the ZAP SPACY and Boris's survivors were housed at) in order to bring Rei out of hiding. As Hiroki and Haruna managed to distract Zetton in their speeders, Rei soon arrived on the scene with Litra, and he also summoned Gomora and Eleking to confront Zetton.[Ultraman] Kate then revealed herself before Rei and unleashed Zetton to fight, to which Rei ordered his monsters to attack. A long and brutal battle between Gomora, Litra, and Eleking commenced, but Zetton withstood all of their attack with little effort, proving his dominance by outclassing both Gomora and Eleking with his speed and strength, and even managing to brush off one of Fire Litra's Fire Attacks, only to shoot him down and take him out of action. The situation soon turned desperate when Zetton took Eleking out of action too by absorbing and redirecting his energy discs, leaving only Gomora to fight.

While Gomora had little success in standing up to Zetton physically, it was not enough to stop the more powerful monster, especially with Zetton being able to shield himself from Gomora's Super Oscillatory Ray with his Zetton Shutter. However after Litra recovered, Gomora and Litra managed to temporarily work together in shattering Zetton's Barrier and Gomora managed to get a lucky shot at blasting Zetton with his Super Oscillatory Ray. However, the damage done to them during their fight was too much for both monsters to continue fighting, and both Gomora and Litra collapsed, forcing Rei to call them back. To Rei's horror, Gomora's lucky shot was not enough and Zetton quickly recovered. Surprisingly though, Kate commends Rei for an impressive fight, stating that the time of his "awakening" was coming soon. However before Rei could find out what she meant, Kate and Zetton fled the scene without saying another word.[Reiblood]

Later, Zetton and Kate returned to battle Rei and Gomora one last time to enact Rei's transformation. Much like their previous fight, Gomora was only barely able to match Zetton physically, while Zetton's barrier and rebounding abilities were enough to beat down Gomora with little effort. Even with the assistance of the ZAP SPACY helping Gomora, their assaults were not enough to deter Zetton as the monster continued to brutalize Gomora. Then just as it seemed that Gomora was about to be finished off, Zetton and Kate were ambushed by another opponent: King Joe Black. Unable to retreat this time, Kate was forced to fight back as her Zetton and King Joe Black engaged in a fierce battle of their own, with neither of them able to best the other with their abilities. Unknown to Kate though, Rei had finally transformed into "Reimon" and Gomora had transformed into a new form: "EX Gomora". With his newly enhanced powers, EX Gomora took on both King Joe Black and Zetton together without any trouble, impaling King Joe Black with his tail, leaving it incapable of fighting any further. Lastly with no more opposition, EX Gomora finished off Zetton with his new Hyper Oscillatory Ray, which obliterated Kate's last Monster.[Planet Escape]

Never Ending Odyssey[]

Zetton does not appear physically as himself. Instead, he is an illusion that was conjured up by a Galberos that belonged to a Reiblood Alien Nackle. Alien Nackle sent the Illusion Zetton to attack the Gostar Dragon, and Rei (having fallen for the disguise) sent out his Gomora to do battle. Despite fighting against "Zetton," Gomora proved to be the stronger monster in battle and after a short fight, "Zetton" was destroyed by Gomora's Super Oscillatory Ray. However with Rei's victory, Alien Nackle's trap went into effect, as "Zetton" immediately respawned shortly after being beaten and resumed fighting Gomora. Gomora again managed to defeat "Zetton," only for the monster to respawn yet again. Gomora continued to fight with "Zetton," but no matter how many times he beat him, "Zetton" continued to respawn and fight more fiercer that the last, which began to take its toll on Gomora, who quickly grew exhausted. Even after Rei desperately transformed into Reimon to boost Gomora's power, "Zetton" continued to respawn with every battle both monsters engaged in.

Finally after fighting for long enough, the damage of Reimon and Gomora's fight left them both so badly drained from exhausting so much power that they simply couldn't fight back. To which, Alien Nackle revealed to Reimon of the illusion as Zetton disappeared and Galberos appeared to pick up where its illusion left off on.[Great Frenzy! Reionic Burst]

Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie[]

To be added[Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie]

Ultraman Saga[]

Hyper Zetton (ハイパーゼットン, Haipā Zetton) was a genetically modified variation of Zetton created by Alien Bat as his weapon to bring death and destruction to the universe. First appearing as a cocoon to incubate, Hyper Zetton was fed Spheres, monsters (revived by Alien Bat,) and the fear and despair of a small handful of children, who were all that was left of the humanity after Alien Bat abducted them all. Even as a cocoon though, Hyper Zetton proved to be dangerous as it was able to both defeat Ultraman Dyna and petrify him into stone, preventing this universe's Earth of any sort of help, as well as annihilate Team U's base of operations in order to allow theirs and the childrens' fear to amplify and feed Hyper Zetton even more.

Disgusted by Alien Bat and Hyper Zetton's actions, the experiment was soon confronted by two Ultras who were present on Earth: Ultraman Cosmos and Ultraman Zero. Hyper Zetton was thus released from his cocoon and the gigantic juvenile form of the monster went on the offensive. Despite having one of his Dark Fireball Spheres destroyed by Cosmos, Hyper Zetton was too big in size and strength for both Ultras to stop him and during the crossfire, Cosmos was knocked out of commission, leaving Zero to face it by himself, who was no match for the far more superior Hyper Zetton's size and strength. With the help of Team U though, Ultraman Dyna was revived by being reunited with his Lieflasher and the ultra was quick to save Zero and revive Cosmos. With the three Ultras working together, the juvenile Hyper Zetton was seemingly killed by Ultraman Zero's Final Ultimate Zero Trinity attack. However just as it seemed the Ultras were victorious, Alien Bat appeared and fused both his fortress and himself with his creation, transforming what remained of Hyper Zetton's juvenile form into its vastly more powerful, imago form.

Despite losing a vast amount of its raw strength as a juvenile, imago Hyper Zetton's heavily increased speed and enhanced fighting skills and abilities allowed the creature to easily trounce the Ultras in battle, and it ultimately managed to kill Ultraman Zero. However the three hosts (Taiga, Musashi, and Asuka) managed to form a nexus with their hearts, and the three hosts became a powerful fused ultra known as "Ultraman Saga." Despite the Ultras merging though, Saga's own strength and abilities were only evenly matched with Hyper Zetton's, making their battle a standstill. With the additional assistance of Team U once more, Hyper Zetton was temporarily distracted by a trap that was set up by them earlier on, allowing Ultraman Saga to slice off Hyper Zetton's wings, crippling the monster and striping it of its enhanced abilities. Now severely weakened, Hyper Zetton and Alien Bat tried to escape the Earth, but Saga caught up with the monster, and after a beatdown, Hyper Zetton and Alien Bat were destroyed by Ultraman Saga's Maximum Saga attack.

Ultraman Ginga[]

Ultraman Ginga: Theater Special Ultra Monster ☆ Hero Battle Royal![]

To be added

Ultraman Ginga S[]

Hyper Zetton was one of the many spark dolls that was in the possession of Exceller and his followers.[8] Berume the Alien Zetton MonsLived into the monster in order to eliminate Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory, hoping to impress Exceller after his previous subjects failed to kill the ultras. As the monster approached UPG's base to destroy it, he was immediately confronted by Ultraman Ginga, who fought it by himself (due to Sho being bitter at Hikaru for allowing UPG use Victorium to power their Victorium Cannon). Ginga tried his best, but Hyper Zetton's teleportation allowed the monster to outmaneuver Ginga in battle. During which, it seized the ultra and attempted to use Ginga as a meat-shield as UPG was about to fire their Victorium Cannon once again. Despite managing to wiggle himself free and turn into his Ginga Storium form, Ginga was further weakened when Hyper Zetton managed absorb and redirect Ultraman's Spacium Beam back at the ultra.

Finally after realizing that Hikaru (and the rest of the original UPG members) were innocent and had no involvement with the Victorium Cannon's usage, Sho let go of his resentment and came to Ginga's rescue by transforming into Ultraman Victory. Hyper Zetton again took advantage of its teleportation ability to avoid Victory and Ginga's attacks, as well as its natural speed to evade Victory's multiple Ultlances. Despite this, Ginga Storium was finally granted the Ultra Brothers' strongest attack: The Cosmo Miracle Ray. Even with its plethora or abilities, Hyper Zetton wasn't strong enough to absorb the incredibly power ray, and it (along with Berume) were destroyed in one blast. After the fight, Hikaru presented Hyper Zetton's spark doll to Sho, who would later use its power to create one of the ultra's many Ultlances, with the spark doll taking the form of the monster's arm, known as the "Hyper Zetton Scissor".[Resurrection of Lugiel]

Ultraman X[]

Zetton was accompanied by an Alien Sran named "Quila," who had come to Earth to to get revenge on Ultraman Max for killing off members of his race. Sometime prior to their plan being revealed, Zetton had encountered Ultraman X and Xio previously and was first seen locked in battle against both ultra and team. Zetton had already beaten down X with ease, being able to stand up to both of Ultraman X's Eleking and Gomora Armors, and being able to withstand two direct hits from Xio's Ultlaser. After easily shrugging off opposition from Xio and Ultraman X, Zetton then took his leave by teleporting away, leaving Ultraman X and Xio to suffer their first official loss.

Sometime later, Zetton would return to continue his rampage. However, the monster was once again confronted by Ultraman X, this time with Xio's newly armor created armor: The Zetton Armor. Suddenly upon activating the armor, Ultraman X became paralyzed by it restraining him, thus allowing Zetton to continue his rampage, only for Quila to be exposed by Kaito Touma of DASH. Once the Alien Sran's plans were exposed, Kaito transformd into Ultraman Max and the ultra picked up where X left off by battling Zetton himself. At first Max managed to do well, but to Max's horror however, Quila's second plan went into effect as the Zetton Armor that was restraining X suddenly took control of X's body, causing the ultra to unwilling assist Zetton in double-teaming Ultraman Max. The situation got even worse once Quila transformed into his giant form, allowing him, Zetton, and X to triple-team Ultraman Max.

However deep inside of the trapped Ultraman X, Daichi was scrambling to find a way to free X and help Max as X had lost consciousness from being controlled by the armor. Using the data from Eleking's Cyber Card, Daichi managed to painfully override the Zetton Armor's control over X, freeing the ultra from Quila's control and regaining the Zetton Armor's abilities to themselves. Now freed, X evened the odds for Ultraman Max, and together both ultras fought back against Zetton and the Alien Sran. Neither Alien Sran nor Zetton were any match for the ultras and in the end, Zetton was destroyed by a Combination of Ultraman X's Zetton Torndao (adopted from the restored Zetton Armor) and the Xanadium Beam.[X In Peril]

Ultraman Orb[]


Maga-Zetton as seen in Ultraman Orb

"Maga-Zetton" (マガゼットン, Maga Zetton) served as one of the six Lord Monsters, with Maga-Zetton as the Lord Monster of Light. Back in 1908, Maga-Zetton appeared in the country of Rusalka and attacked, where Gai Kurenai and Natasha were residing in. The beast was soon confronted Ultraman Orb, where the two did battle. During their fight though, Orb was distracted by the appearance of Natasha (who had found out about Gai's true identity as Orb,) allowing Maga-Zetton to attack him, hitting Natasha in the crossfire. Orb, witnessing her being attacked, summoned his Orb Calibur and struck the beast with his Orb Supreme Calibur attack, obliterating Maga-Zetton.[The Sunset Wanderer]

Despite his victory though, Maga-Zetton's actions caused Ultraman Orb to lose his ability to transform into his original form, and Gai was left to wander the Earth for decades as a vagabond, wracked with guilt by believing that Natasha was killed because of his actions. Since then, Maga-Zetton's monster card was gathered up and had been in the possession of Jugglus Juggler until it and the other Lord Monsters' cards were used to unleash the Great Lord Monster: Maga-Orochi.[Trouble! Mama's Here!]

Hyper Zetton Deathscythe

Hyper Zetton Deathscythe as seen in Ultraman Orb

"Hyper Zetton Deathscythe" (ハイパーゼットンデスサイス, Haipā Zetton Desusaisu) is modified version of Hyper Zetton was brought to Earth by an Alien Zetton named "Maddock," who planned on using it as his weapon to kill Ultraman Orb. After the alien lured Gai to his lair in a warehouse basement (after kidnapping Naomi of the SSP as bait) Gai was forced to evade the modified monster's attacks while hurrying to free Naomi in the process. After freeing Naomi and attacking its master in the process, Hyper Zetton Deathscythe became aggressive and took on a giant form to kill Gai with. After Naomi left to get to a safer distance, Gai transformed into Ultraman Orb to battle the monster. Knowing that Maddock modified Hyper Zetton Deathscythe to battle him, Orb used his newly received cards of Jack and Zero to reveal a new form: Hurricane Slash! Orb's new Hurricane Slash form's increased speed was enough for the ultra to keep up with Hyper Zetton Deathscythe's teleportation, but after a beam battle between the monster's fireballs and Hurricane Slash's Orb Lancer Shot attack, Orb found a brief opening and Hyper Zetton Deathscythe was obliterated by Orb's Big Bang Thrust attack.[A Heart That Won't Flee]

However, this was not the end of Hyper Zetton Deathscythe. Another one of its kind appeared on earth, this time under the control of "Maya," an artificial human life-form who was under the control of Maddock's programming before his passing. The monster was nearly set loose to rampage several times, but Maya, having been shown love and affection by an elderly family known as the Iwakis, caused her to rebel against Maddock's programming, and as a result, it caused Hyper Zetton Deathscythe to appear, but not do anything. Finally upon meeting Gai (who was unaware of Maddock's plan) Maya was consumed by her programming and she unleashed his monster to attack. As it was about to attack though, Hyper Zetton Deathscythe began to show signs of hesitation. Maya was still trying to regain control over her body. As the life-form battled with herself, Gai went off to confront the monster as Ultraman Orb Origin. The second Hyper Zetton Deathscythe proved to be a more powerful adversary that the 1st one, but after witnessing Maya fall unconscious (during the ultra's fight, Maya removed the control unit on her wrist, severing her control over Hyper Zetton Deathscythe, but sacrificing her memories,) Orb switched to his Thunder Breaster form. After striking the monster with a literal hurricane of punches, Orb Thunder Breaster finally destroyed Hyper Zetton Deathscythe with the Zettcium Ray.[The Girl with the Blue Ribbon]

Ultra Fight Orb[]

To be added

Ultraman Taiga[]

To be added[9][For the New World]

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy[]

Zetton Falx

Zetton Falx

Zetton Falx (ゼットン・ファルクス, Zetton Farukusu) is a genetically modified variation of the original Zetton created by Space Fear Demon Zett.[Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy]

Other Media[]


Zetton II reappeared in the Mini-Series, Redman, as a reccuring adversary:

Ep # Alien/Monster Team-Ups Defeat by Redman
129 None Defeated by Redman's "Red Fall" attack.
132 Dorako Stabbed by Redman's Red Knife.
134 Dorako
Blown up by a shockwave from Redman's Red Arrow.

Shin Ultraman[]

Zetton (Shin Ultraman)

Shin Zetton

Zetton was a bioweapon from the Planet of Light.[10] After learning that Lipiah had fused with Kaminaga; an act that was highly forbidden and a violation of the code of the Planet of Light, Zoffy activated Zetton to destroy the Solar System, out of fear that humanity will yearn to use their race's Beta technology as weapons. Zetton immediately began assembling itself, preparing to destroy Earth with a one-trillion degree ball of energy that would obliterate the entire planet. Ultraman tried to destroy it by bombarding it with his Spacium Beam and Ultra-Slashes, but even as the weapon was still assembling itself, Zetton was able to shield itself from his attacks and after hailing down on the ultra with energy blasts of its own, Ultraman was quickly overpowered and defeated, where he fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Zetton eventually finished its construction and was preparing its attack by repositioning itself. However, it was met with opposition by Ultraman yet again. After providing the SSSP with translated principles and theorms of his Beta System to find a method to destroy Zetton, Ultraman charged at the weapon and used his Beta Capsule to penetrate its barrier. Within a single millisecond, the resulting explosion opened a sixth-dimensional wormhole to the Planck Brane, where Zetton was torn apart by its gravitational pull, and Ultraman himself was sucked into a parallel dimension.[Shin Ultraman]


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Other Appearances[]

Stage Shows[]

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Video Games[]

  • Zetton appears as an NPC opponent and the final boss of the Ultraman adaptation video game for the MAME.
  • Zetton appears as an NPC opponent in the RPG Video Game, Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001.
  • Zetton appears as a playable character and the final boss (of Ultraman's Story) in the Ultraman adaptation video game for the PS2.


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  • Trillion Degree Fireball
  • Zetton Final Beam
  • Zetton Barrier

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  • Behind the Scenes[]


    • Zetton was portrayed by suit actor, Teruo Aragaki in the original Ultraman series.
    • Zetton was portrayed by suit actor, Rikimaru Yoshihiro in the series, Ultraman X.
    • Maga-Zetton was portrayed by suit actor, Arai Hiroyuki in the series, Ultraman Orb.
    • Hyper Zetton Deathscythe was portrayed by suit actor, Okabe Akatsuki.


    • To be added



    1. https://www.ultramanconnection.com/kaiju/zetton
    2. https://m-78.jp/character/ultraman_zetton/ Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton in "Ultraman"
    3. https://tsuburaya-prod.com/encyclopedia/zetton Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton
    4. https://tsuburaya-prod.com/encyclopedia/zetton-ii Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton 2 in "Return of Ultraman"
    5. https://tsuburaya-prod.com/encyclopedia/zetton-2 Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Powered Zetton in "Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero"
    6. https://hicbc.com/tv/max/contents/kaiju/20050924/20050924_1.php Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton in "Ultraman Max"
    7. https://hicbc.com/tv/mebius/monster/maquette/005.php Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton in "Ultraman Mebius"
    8. https://m-78.jp/ginga/2014/character/#content29 Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Hyper Zetton in "Ultraman Ginga S"
    9. https://m-78.jp/taiga/kaiju Tsuburaya's Official Website's profile on Zetton in "Ultraman Taiga"
    10. https://twitter.com/shin_ultraman/status/1540500020574789633

